You've got to make emissions to reduce emissions.
You've got to spend money on your donors to make money from your donors.
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Inside the Minister for Emissions Reductions office, everyday is ‘opposite day.’
As the saying goes:
You’ve got to make emissions, to reduce emissions.
You have to do something, by doing nothing.
The only way to create emissions free hydrogen is by using greenhouse gas.
The only way to encourage renewable energy is to defund renewable energy.
We’re living in very strange time. The rest of the world is aggressively moving to a carbon free future. China is set to decarbonise their economy by 2060. Next year at COP26 every country will be taking plans to go further, and ratchet up mechanisms for further emissions reductions, because the Paris agreement isn’t going to cut it.
Net 0 emissions by 2050 is no longer the big ambition, it’s the status quo. A few countries will be going in hard to do even more. Leading, in other words.
And when the world is doing this, where is that leaving Australia?
Australia is the Shore School of the world. Outwardly rich, entitled, antagonistic, and going around spitting on poor people and taking photos of its penis on things to win points with mates, Saudi Arabia, and the USA.
Instead of doing the work: transitioning the economy to a carbon free future.
We’re burning more gas — to lower emissions?
Gaslighting figuratively and literally.

Interview: Adam Bandt
Geraldine Quinn
Lizzie Hoo
Lewis Hobba
and Dan Ilic

This coming Wednesday I’ll be donating my time and greenhouse gas related comedy to MC a chat between my old mate Osher Günsberg and twitter pal Mike Cannon-Brookes. It’ll be just like A Rational Fear, but with famous people. You can register to watch the Smart Energy Summit — it’s an all day affair. Our panel is the very last one, but don’t worry, regrettably, we’ll be cooking with gas.

Because you’ve made it this far in the email — you’re one of the first to see the line-up for next week’s US election special podcast.
Dave Anthony (The Dollop)
Francesca Fiorentini (AJ+, TYT)
and… drumroll… Anthony Scaramucci (The White House, Lincoln Project)
No, this isn’t a joke. These incredible folks will be joining Lewis and I next week, and we can’t wait. You can watch live if you’re a Patreon subscriber (8am next thursday morning)
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If you enjoy the podcast, chip in with Patreon. We’re at about 76% of covering the costs of making the show. Big thanks to our 5 new subscribers this week. We now have over 100 people who are willing to pay for this brand of “if we didn’t laugh we’d cry comedy”. Every little bit helps.
As a supporter you can watch the live video recording of the show on Thursday nights at 8pm, as well as access our Discord community – it’s kind of like a chat room where we bounce ideas around for the writing of the show throughout the week.
Go Neutral:
Another way to support A Rational Fear is to offset the carbon emissions from your car with Go Neutral. For every $90 sticker Go Neutral will buy 3.5 tonnes of carbon offsets which is about the average yearly emissions for a car, and $5 of that comes to us. I registered my car last week and bought a Go Neutral sticker. Get yours with this special A Rational Fear link here:
Big thanks to The Bertha Foundation, our Patreon Supporters and RODE Mics. Jacob Round, Kate Holdsworth, Rupert Degas and David Bloustien.