It’s fast become one of Melbourne’s best known and loved landmarks.
The temporary fence that covered up the hole, that Victorian MP Tim Smith created when he crashed into a house while drink-driving is now up for sale.
Or a piece of it at least.

The owners of the house appeared last night on stage at the A Rational Fear Melbourne Comedy Festival show to tell their side of the story. Revealing that after nearly 2 years, Tim Smith has yet to pay for the repairs.
After causing much distress, the owners of the house, Simone Ball Santamaria and Mike Santamartia have decided to get rid of one of Melbourne’s favourite landmarks, by auctioning it off for charity.
The A Rational Fear podcast made a hilarious ‘Franklin Mint’ style advertisement to launch the auction on stage. With a voice over donated by comedian Tony Martin.
Already the ebay listing has had up to 12 bids, currently sitting around $1000.
The notorious part of the fence that’s up for sale is the graffiti that reads [sic] “Chappaquidick” - a reference to an incident when a powerful US politician killed someone in a drink driving accident but never was held accountable.
The fence is framed behind glass in a matte black frame that’s roughly 160cm x 30cm.
The Auction is live for the next 8 days.
A Rational Fear is an award winning Australian comedy podcast that rips into the news. They performed their live show at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival on April 2nd at the Capitol.
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