Taylor Swift vs Ariana Venti
🎧 PODCAST GUESTS: Bec Melrose, Steph Broadbridge, Jack Druce, Dan Ilic + Fiona Patten MP
G’day Fearmongers,
At the start of this week we picked up Best Comedy Podcast at the Australian Podcast Awards. Our 3rd win in a row! My mantle piece now looks like the front counter of a very well respected suburban hairdresser, full of trophies for being the best in a very niche marketplace.
Big thank you to YOU, our listeners. We love making this podcast. Personally it gives me so much joy to make funny stuff each week with a new group of people who care about democracy, climate and moving the needle just a little bit.
Thanks for listening, sharing, and laughing along with us about the most terrible things facing the world.
If you’d like to support the show, chip into the Patreon, you get access to the Discord, a link to the livestream when we record, discounted tickets to live shows and we’ll give you a shout out on the show.
On the podcast this week we have a cool crew:
Bec Melrose
Steph Broadbridge
Jack Druce
Dan Ilic (me, I'm fun)
We cover:
⚽️ Animals correctly guessing the outcome of FIFA World Cup fixtures.
🎟 Ticketmaster and Live Nation's Taylor Swift Snafu.
💸 The $98 Billion Australians are giving their bosses for free.
👩🏼🍳 And we have a chat with Leader of the Reason Party in Victoria, Fiona Patten MP, about the broad mix of characters running for state parliament this weekend in Victoria.

Where you put your money matters — do what our sponsor does, and give it to A Rational Fear:
So we are super grateful (no pun intended) that Australian Ethical are helping us out with the bills.
They’ve been around since 1986 helping people make good choices when it comes to investing ethically. Thank you Australian Ethical for your support.
Dan Ilic
Victorian Fryer Party
If you enjoy our podcast, emails and important climate change conversations, chip in here like a good sovereign citizen. www.patreon.com/arationalfear
Big thanks to our Patreon Supporters, RODE Mics, Jacob Round, and our sponsor Australian Ethical