Tasmania Becomes New Zealand's West Island
A very special Tassie episode of the A Rational Fear podcast.
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A Rational Fear explores the big issues in a smart and funny way – and boy do we have some big issues. If you’re into what we do, please chip in on our Patreon. We’re almost half way to covering the costs of making the podcast each week.

On this week’s podcast Anna Kidd, Yanni Agisilaou, Lewis Hobba and Dan Ilic cover illegal dinner parties, how Tasmania can become a state of New Zealand, the north-south divide on the Apple Isle, and a smattering of animal news stories.
Also we chat with Anna Bateman, one of Senator Jacqui Lambie’s inner circle of advisors. She sheds light on the process of advising one of the loudest independent voices in the Australian Senate.
And Yianni does a great stand-up set from his cancelled Melbourne International Comedy Festival show.
Many thanks to Anthony Morgan who tried to join the show at the start but sadly the NBN wasn’t up to the job — see below:

SPONSORED CONTENT: Mateship; Australian for love.
Exciting news Ray Martin lovers - I’m the Showrunner of a new ABC television show. Set your VHS recorder for 9pm this Wednesday. It’s a parody of a lifestyle show for the pandemic, chock full of Australian comedy names and celebrity guests. It’s going to be very good. Please pass this info onto the people in your life who still watch television.

Also, it could be the reason why we’ll be publishing the podcast at a slower cadence for the next month or so, as it turns out running a TV show during a pandemic is time consuming.
Thanks to Rupert Degas for his mateship voice over, and Jacob Round for doing the dishes and making us sound great.
Apparently there’s company called ‘Apple’ and for some reason they have a lot of sway in this world. I’m not a fruit guy, but if you could head to Apple Podcasts and give us a 5-star review it will help others discover the A Rational Fear podcast.

If you manage to get a hold of Super-Power from Ross Garnaut, have a read of it over the next month. Then June we’ll discuss the book with Ross and your questions. If you have any comments or questions leave them under this post in Patreon:
If you got this far — thank you very much.
If you didn’t — I get it! It’s Mother’s Day, you’ve got things to do.
Dan Ilic
Chief Fear Officer.