G’day Fearmongers,
So stoked to show you the 2023 Melbourne Comedy Festival poster that Nordacious has whipped up for us.
Our Melbourne Comedy Festival Show line-up is SO HUGE we have to call the show:
“A Rational Fear Has Too Many Guests”
Just look at this guest list:
Dan Ilic
Lewis Hobba
Nat’s What I Reckon
Grace Tame
Alice Fraser
Vidya Rajan
Gabbi Bolt
Sami Shah
DJ Andrew McClelland
+ No other special guests
The show promises to be fast, funny, irreverent, stupid and smart all at once.
And if you fancy a discount, we have a limited number of seats avaliable for 25% off when you use the discount code: PODCAST
If it doesn’t work, try a different browser, if it doesn’t work again, we’re probably all out of discounted tickets. But tickets are only $39 — that’s like 3 cups of coffee in Melbourne anyway.
See you there.
Dan Ilic.
P.S — if you’d like to spread the word about the show, here are some graphics in different sizes you can share on your socials.
If you enjoy our podcast, emails and important climate change conversations, chip in here like a good sovereign citizen. www.patreon.com/arationalfear