How Grace Tame and Camilla Cleese became unlikely best friends.
🎧 NEW BONUS PODCAST: A Rational Conversation.
G’day Fearmongers,
I’m still on a break after moving house and building the new A Rational Fear studio, (progress pic at the bottom) so this week we have something a little different for your podcast feed.
Grace Tame and one of her best mates, Camilla Cleese (daughter of John), join me in conversation about their unlikely friendship.
It’s a great story about creativity, resilience, vulnerability comedy, and this blursed last supper picture filled with Monty Python characters.
The conversation has already been on Patreon for a week, and has had quite the response from some of A Rational Fear’s most ardent critics. Here’s a review from one Patreon supporter (who also happens to be my mother in law):
I really loved how you summed it up, Dan. … folk interested in creativity, friendship, and how to stay grounded in the face of adversity. I would place this podcast up there with the best of Richard Fidler (high praise from me!) I was interested to know something of Camilla and of Grace’s time in US. So while those aspects interested me, it was the relationship and how it developed, that gave me a wonderful insight into the creativity, and the grounding & the friendship.
Well, if that isn’t a good enough reason to listen — I don’t know what is.
Thanks to Antony, Mandy, Xanon and Sam at DM Podcasts for allowing us to record this in their wonderful new podcast studio in Sydney.
If you want to get episodes like this early, and without ads — please chip into the Patreon for as little as $4. You’ll also get access to the Discord server, which is like a nicer twitter for news and comedy hobbyists.
Dan Ilic
Commonwealth Games
If you enjoy our podcast, emails and important climate change conversations, chip in here like a good sovereign citizen.
If the ACCC is reading this, we have a sponsor — that’s Australian Ethical. Thanks AE for helping us out with the bills.
They’ve been around since 1986 helping people make good choices when it comes to investing ethically. Thanks Australian Ethical for your wonderful support.
Big thanks to our Patreon Supporters, RODE Mics, Jacob Round, and our new shiny sponsor Australian Ethical