Help Dan Ilic short-circuit fossil fuel funded candidates this election.
Introducing: It's Not A Race.
G’day Fearmongers,
Australia’s role in climate change makes me ashamed to be Australian.
To put it simply, we’re the baddies. UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres said as much yesterday.
I’m always asking myself, what can I do?
I’m just a comedian who makes videos on the internet. That, that in of itself isn’t a terribly powerful thing
What if we could build a social media content engine with a team of people who also wanted to see meaningful climate action on climate?
And what if we could convince enough people, through an avalanche of videos, memes, infographics, and ideas that putting fossil fuel funded candidates last on the ballot was the best way to get Australia to take meaningful action on climate change?
And what if we could build out a sophisticated data team that could match audiences with that content?
And what if we could scale up fast, and find resources to make content for broadcast and mainstream advertising channels?
Well — with some leftover #JokeKeeper money — we built it.
Introducing, It’s Not A Race.
It’s Not A Race is a social media content engine built to shine a truthful light on fossil fuel funded candidates, in the lead up to the 2022 election. But with jokes.
But making videos, billboards, social media posts and newspaper ads is expensive — and now we need your help to keep it going. Chip in to keep it running.
Time is against us, the election is less than 2 months away.
Time is against Earth, the planet can’t handle another 10 years of Australia increasing its emissions.
This election could be our last opportunity to get the fossil fools out of federal parliament, and put some adults in charge.
If you’re part of the 75% of Australians who think Australia should be doing more on climate action, please chip in to It’s Not A Race. We’ll put your money to work on screens, conservative newspapers, social media and billboards around the country — to help change minds and spark real change.
Dan Ilic
It’s Not A Race
Authorised by D. Ilic. It’s Not A Race, Manly
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It's Not A Race has to abide by a bunch of election regulations. We can only accept donations from Australian citizens, permanent residents and Australian companies. It's Not A Race is considered a political campaigner under the new (very broad) definition, and so is required to disclose the name and address of any person or entity that makes donations above the $14,500 disclosure threshold (this financial year) to the Australian Electoral Commission.