G’day Fearmongers,
I’m sure many of you who are comedy fans would have already seen the news that our friend Cal Wilson passed away this week.
Everything everyone says of Cal is right — she’s simply one of the kindest, just and joyful people who worked in comedy. We were all so lucky to be friends with her, we all thought we’d probably have her for quite a few more decades to come.
Here is a short podcast of when she performed on A Rational Fear in 2019 at the Adelaide Cabaret Festival.
Two other things:
Vote Yes
— in Tomorrow’s referendum. Thanks to everyone from A Rational Fear land who chipped into F-Yes. We’ve reached about 2 million people over the 4 weeks we ran our campaign. This is one of my favourite pieces of content from comedian and friend of A Rational Fear — Craig Quartermaine.
If you’re the holder of a SXSW Sydney badge you can come and check out A Rational Fear on stage at the podcast stage 3.30pm October 20th. It’ll be me, Chris Taylor, Lee Constable, Antoinette Lattouf and some other fun people.
That’s it for this week’s podcast newsletter —
Vale Cale Wilson.
Vote yes.
Vome to our SXSW show.
Dan Ilic
If you enjoy our podcast, emails and important climate change conversations, chip in here like a good sovereign citizen. www.patreon.com/arationalfear
If the ACCC is reading this, we have a sponsor — that’s Australian Ethical. Thanks AE for helping us out with the bills.
They’ve been around since 1986 helping people make good choices when it comes to investing ethically. Thanks Australian Ethical for your wonderful support.
Big thanks to our Patreon Supporters, RODE Mics, Jacob Round, and our new shiny sponsor Australian Ethical