🎙️ New Pod: Buy Dutch Bitcoin Not GameStop
geraldinehickey.com and other websites you should visit.
G'day Fearmongers,
The hot tip from r/wallstreet is that you should buy $ARF Shares because we have a cracker podcast this week with some of our favourite friends:
Geraldine Hickey(Geraldinehickey.com), Cameron Duggan (The Mugg Off Podcast), Lewis Hobba + (me) Dan Ilic . We also interview the awesome Hayley McQuire from the NIYEC. (National Indigenous Youth Education Coalition)
Hayley is running a new campaign to help #LearnOurTruth about colonisation, and First Nations culture in Australia. It's fills a remarkable gap in our education system, and helps eliminate the erasure of the history of Australia's Indigenous cultures from the education curriculum for a generation of kids who may never even learn about otherwise.
Please if you can chip in to help the campaign here: https://www.chuffed.org/project/learnourtruth
They're already up over their 50% mark, but I'd love to see them blow right through it.
We've finalised our line up for the 100th Episode LIVE show. It's HUGE! Get your tickets here: https://giantdwarf.com.au/events/a-rational-fear-100/
DJ Tom Loud, Yumi Stynes, Hamish Blake, Alice Fraser, Chris Taylor, Gabbi Bolt, Lewis Hobba, Dan Ilic + Other friends of the podcast.
February 10th at Giant Dwarf, Surry Hills, Eora Nation.
As a Patreon supporter of ARF you get a 20% Discount!
For those not really interested in being part of live audience yet, or if you're outside of the Sydney Metro area, you can buy a streaming ticket too!
It costs a bit of money to make each episode of A Rational Fear — . If you enjoy our podcast, funny emails and important climate change conversations chip in here like a good sovereign citizen. We want to raise enough money we can start to make a video a month. If you believe in the work we’re doing chip in — www.patreon.com/arationalfear
Thanks to:
Big thanks to The Bertha Foundation, our Patreon Supporters , RODE Mics, Jacob Round, Rupert Degas, Kilian David, Maddie Palmer and our Discord community.